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Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Caviar is eaten in Sakhalin with spoons! Once here in the season, make sure to try the practically unsalted caviar "five minutes." The islands have a rich choice of caviar and soon you will learn to distinguish humpback caviar from keta by the size and color of the caviar.
Red caviar is one of the most popular delicacies. And on Sakhalin, it is abundant in various species. Caviar of different fish of the salmon family differs in the size of the caviar, color and taste.
Humpback caviar is one of the most popular. It is distinguished by a light and pleasant taste. The diameter of the eggs is about 3-5 mm, their color varies from light to darker orange. The shell of eggs is fragile. Humpback is a very prolific fish, so producers often prefer it to other species.
Nerka caviar is very small, only about 3 mm. It tastes a little bitter, and its color is from bright to dark red.
If you prefer hiccups larger, then pay attention to caviar chavychi. The diameter of the eggs is 6-7 mm, the color is saturated red, and the taste is island-bitter.
The size of the eggs differs in caviar keta: in diameter, their size reaches 7 mm. Their color is amber-orange with a red cast and the fat spot of the embryo is well visualized. Its taste is tender, and the shell is quite dense.
Error get alias